Sunsets strike their match. Aflame,
they awaken to flee their day cage.
Master of their own illusions,
they perform tricks onstage.
Night after night, they surprise
flickering lights out of thin air.
They are a morse code of blips,
too quick to decode. We stare,
We chase them with our jars,
open with lids of punched holes.
They dart away. We stand watching
the autumn of our souls.
This Way to the Acorns: Poems (The Tenth Anniversary Edition)
As a boy growing up in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, Raymond Luczak delighted in the mysterious attractions of nature in a huge expanse of abandoned woods and fields known as “across the street.” In This Way to the Acorns, he remembers encountering unexpected guests of the woods: a scraggly fox, a starving doe, an industrious chipmunk,…
This Way to the Acorns: Poems (The Tenth Anniversary Edition) →